WCC Vermietung GmbH
Triesterstraße 41-43 (Eingang-Angeligasse111/im Hof)
A-1100, Wien
Vermietung von Hostessen Appartments
Municipal Authority of the City of Vienna
Commercial rental
We are constantly developing the contents of this website and strive to provide correct and up-to-date information. Unfortunately, we can not assume any liability for the correctness of all content on this website, especially for those provided by third parties.
If you notice any problematic or illegal content, please contact us immediately, you will find the contact details in the imprint.
Our website contains links to other websites whose content we are not responsible for. Liability for linked websites does not exist for us according to § 17 ECG, because we did not have knowledge of illegal activities and have not noticed such illegality and we would remove links immediately if we become aware of any illegalities.
If you notice unlawful links on our website, please contact us, you will find the contact details in the imprint.
The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.
The image rights belong to the respective photographer / company of the photographed models.
All contents of this website (pictures, photos, texts, videos, idea, layout of the offer etc.) and their individual parts are subject to copyright.
If necessary, we will prosecute the unauthorized use of parts of the contents of our site .